

Creative habits may be the hardest kinds of habits to practice. It seems like creative types are either all in or all out. You could hit a wall at a moment's notice. Or you could have so many ideas that you run out of sketch paper, canvas, wall space, time, and energy.

I don't let these fears scare me. I am a cartoonist Doggone It!

Creative ideas swirl all around us every day, all day. As I have said before Life does precede Art.  I try not to discriminate which days I should create and which I should not. But it is a concerted effort of mine to rest on Sundays. At which times I could either let my creativity stay latent or just flow with what God is doing. From the midst of notes I practice my illustrative skills. The mix of words and images mustered on the spot. Cartoons for the sake of demonstration of a point or exempla. If there is anything else cartoons are better suited, let me know. For me, sermon notes take the cake.

View my pages here and see if you can find patterns and repetition. I do advocate the Holy Bible as the true word of God. His love story to His creation, specifically us. Take notes at a church service or presentation and see what images you can create along side the words to enhance your memory of it. Send me a link to your website or blog if you have posted it.


What Do Cartoonists Eat?

Many times I bring you the facts of creating and the process of thinking about creating, but today I thought I would change it up and bring you facts about the sustenance of a creative. If you can say that 10 times fast I'll give you a prize!

Usually whats eating a cartoonist is eating him because he hasn't eaten or slept (another blog post). Creative blocks are created by stress, hunger, and lack of sleep. Contrary to popular belief, cartoonists are not robots. But sometimes we think we are. So I understand the misconception.

When cartoonists are not eaten by anxiety and are apt to create a lot, what do they eat? No there isn't magic dust in our Cheerios or lightning in our mashed potatoes. We often eat what others eat. I drew this diagram the other day to demonstrate my point. I'll expound a little below, because I know that quick sketches are sometimes hard to read. Enjoy!

This isn't a daily routine for me, but the process of deciding what to eat usually is. I get off my part-time job after midday most days and I am usually revved up to create. After a couple of years without much money and figuring that eating out added up in the wallet and in the waist, I started going back to what I knew worked as a child. I had to find a fast healthy way to get the nutritional value I needed to create for about 4 hours (usually in the afternoon).

Recently I reverted to cold-cut sandwiches and soup. One, they are tasty if you know how to prepare them. Two, they are fast or require little preparation (a benefit for anyone on a time crunch). Three, little clean-up, little mess.

My sandwich is usually composed of wheat bread toast, cold cut turkey/ham, lettuce, onion, Thousand Island dressing, pickles, and sometimes other herbs or random things on hand. Flavor makes all the difference. No flavor, I won't eat it. When I have time I add extra veggies as a side, french fries, or rolls (something quick and hot). I drink water most of the time, but the Bolthouse smoothies are great when they're on sale. I eat a dessert item if I have it or have made it recently.

What time saving tips do you have concerning meals in the midst of a busy creative schedule?


Cartoonist In The City

Whenever possible I partake in community events. This past weekend I went to Columbus's Cultural Arts Center's Bicentennial Ball celebrating Columbus's 200 years of existence.

In new settings its a great joy to record and document what is going on. This is especially rewarding when there is cool architectural flourishes, unique angles, and a variety of people.

I, for one, do not discriminate in material usage. If it is in my sketchbook, all the more reason to experiment. Whether it's a green Crayola marker or a toothbrush with an odd pigment, I consider the challenge worth my time.

On top of it all, it was great to hang out with friends, see old friends, meet new people, see great art, and enjoy some of the best food you can find in Columbus, OH. This type of setting is in fact where life can be the most inspiring to create art.


Royal Colors

The day that I started using a limited palette was the day that I started getting watercolor and color usage in general. I do not claim mastery, but the basics applied always make for a better painting or piece of art. Because I have consistently been working on my comic book, I have only been able to work with color to a minor degree. Most of them are quick studies. Still painting with color brings my heart joy.

Some day I will be combining illustration and fine art, comics and watercolor, and mix medias at will to get the look I desire. Until that day I will continue my small form experiments. It is in fact this ability that makes the most of my imagination. What is your curiosity?

In my small experiment I chose just 3 colors.  My  colors were yellow ochre, lemon yellow, and purple. The color choice was rather secondary to the internal argument as to whether I should have a cool painting or a warm one. Nonetheless, the gold sky and the purple trees seemed to be apt to describe the beauty of God's creation and identify the fact that he gave it to us as stewards. Check out the full image by clicking on this link: We Must Be Royalty.