

Pulling from different sources for education and inspiration is a good thing.

However, there comes a time when you must make your statement by acknowledging your own strengths and weaknesses.

I sat outside on Easter Sunday with my painting board on my lap. The hills had different colors. The contrast was beautiful and the sky had giant cumulus clouds overhead. I thought that I had more control over what I was painting. One problem, the deceptively warm 50 degree weather was cut by brutal 30 degree winds. This humbling experience brought me to the realization that any great outdoor painter has to be able to adjust with their circumstances.

For any of you who have painted in watercolor you know that the main setback is moisture. Largely moisture is determined by humidity, but temperature also plays a role.

This being said, sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

You have to adjust to your circumstances.

You have to adjust even created really controlled pieces of art, but no one can anticipate the effects of the weather.

How do you role with the punches in uncontrolled circumstances?

I learned these simple lessons below:
  • Check the weather in advance
  • Practice in different scenarios-wind, heat, on the beach, in the woods, etc...
  • Learn how your materials work ahead of time
  • Be prepared to change if it is not 100% favorable for creating art
  • Be versatile with concern to style and method of paint application, the weather will dictate certain decisions for you.
  • Sketch, Sketch, Sketch- You must have your composition clearly mapped out, with a focal point decided upon before paint touches the paper.
  • Take notes and learn from them
  • Be humble enough to admit when it does not work out
  • Never Give Up!

I can't emphasize enough the importance of research and finding a hero to emulate. However, when the rubber hits the road you are the one creating, not them. They may be dead by now. You have your own life and experience through which unique your unique art will come through. Take courage from that and continue to create art.

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