Its a fact that when you practice with one type of media it can help you develop your skills in another.
The goal of practicing different media is to observe yourself and learn from what you naturally do in one media and see how that translates into the ones you truly want to master.
One central skill that I know that most artists long to master is drawing regardless of their area of expertise.
Almost all of the fundamentals of the creative process for any skill can be refined through drawing.
My weekly practice includes the use of many different media. Only a small number of them do I wish to master at this time. Below I have listed all that I can think of.
- Marker
- Ink
- Pencil
- Chalk
- Charcoal
- Oil pastel
- Digital-Photoshop/Illustrator
- Ball point pen
- Gouache
- Collage
- Technical pens
- Colored pencil
- Crayon
- Acrylic
- Photography
- Sculpting clay
- Recycled materials-for 3D projects
- Microsoft Word
- Mud
- Sand
- Rocks
- Leaves
- Sticks
I do not use them all every week, but the more variety I use, the more fun I'm having. Perhaps this list is overwhelming, so consider that your pick of media is about having fun, not perfection.
When you sit down to practice start with what you have and are familiar with and work with those media until you come to a point where a new media would be exciting. The key is to try as many as you can and not get stuck with one over another.
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