
Being Teachable: Art

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. -Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert


On The Art Of Thanksgiving

"Ohhhh, do I feel full. I don't think I'll ever be able to eat again."


Being Teachable: Life

Many times we get what we ask for in life. Most of us are not aware of it when it happens.


Being Teachable: Imagination

After God has provoked us to see things differently, whether through hard times or severe introspection we become open to new ideas. 

With the vulnerability to God and His commands a renewed faith in His work becomes available to us.

This is fuel for our imaginations. 

The reward of enduring hardship is that we have a renewed mind. This means that new possibilities become apparent. 

But how do we curb our imaginations in the aftermath of trials? How do we learn to be productive in the wake of difficult times with our whole beings shaken?

I have found some comfort in the practices below. I hope you will, too.

  • Allow life to change pace naturally
  • Try on the new lenses given to you by the experience...don't interpret, just partake
  • Pick up your creative work again
  • Stay the course on your goals
  • Record your experiences
  • Share your experiences
  • Expect that the experience is a learning time, not personal judgment
  • Expect that you will see new opportunities
  • Be open to the changes
  • Create art in spite of the hard times
It's your turn. Will you allow your imagination to be stymied by hard times? What will you do with this gift? 

Feel free to let me know how you endure or have endured hard times.


Being Teachable: God

Preaching is not necessary on this point. If we want to be more like God, we have to learn to weather the trials of life that God sends us.

You can work your whole life toward some supposed level of perfection and never achieve it. We are not that good. 

But when we set our eyes on being righteous (separate in our minds and attitudes) then we move toward being more like God.

For any creative person this lets us be more in touch with the reality of which we interpret. When we offer ourselves up to be more like God we will have our vision changed.

The ways this change of vision helps us as creatives are this:

  • Connection with the suffering people around us
  • The challenge of starting over brand new
  • New opportunities realized
  • Humility beyond belief
  • Working with what is available
  • Depending on God for what we do not have
Do you see a connection between your creativity and being taught by God? What is your story?